Dont know much about this yet but it looks similar in coverage to my PowerWerx DB-750 thats in my truck.
When I learn more I will post what I find out
BTECH UHF/VHF 50 Watt Mobile UV-5001 $150 on Amazon
Product Description
Wide Frequency Coverage
The UV-5001 provides extended receiver coverage of 136-174Mhz and 400-520Mhz (beyond the Amateur bands), so you can keep informed of communication activities in the public safety, commercial, and government communications ranges. TX/RX on Narrowband (12.5kHz) or Wideband (25kHz).
Dual Watch Receiver
The UV-5001 operates as two radios in one, with either 144 MHz or 430 MHz as the “Main” TX/RX band, while simultaneously watching the other band. And, if you like, you can configure your UV-5001 for VHF-VHF or UHF-UHF operation, too!
Simultaneous Display
For those that want to have the most information at their fingertips on a specific channel – they can synchronize the displays. You can configure the displays to synchronize and allow both the Channel Name and frequency to simultaneously display on the selected channel.
High Power Output
To get your message through when it counts, the UV-5001 puts out 50 Watts of power on the VHF band, and 45 Watts on UHF.
Fully Customizable through the Free Software
You can program your UV-5001 exactly how you want it. There are 200 programmable memory channels. You can add or remove channels from scanning list. You can give channels alphanumeric names. The radio has an available low power setting of 10 watts, allowing you to choose how far you can communicate. You can easily program from a PC to set-up the radio to operate exactly as needed. (The PC04 FTDI Cable is recommended for easy programming)
Programming Lock-Out
Though the available computer software, you can lock out access to menus, manual programming, and frequency mode – to prevent any unwanted changes to your preferred programming layout.
I saw the reviews on this one and the smaller BTech UV2501 that runs around $115. The only thing I noticed was that it does NOT support Cross Band Repeat, and option I find valuable.
If I am wrong I’d like to know, as that’s the only real thing that holds me back from buying either of these two.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I was burried in tons of spam and you post was hidden in those.
From everything I have read, this radio will not do X-Band Repeat.
If you are looking for one that does, the PowerWerx DB750 will.
PowerWerx DB-750X w/X-band repeat
I have one of these and for the price I like it a lot. Has a few quirks, but still a solid radio.